Our strategic priorities

Our strategic plan 2020 – 2024

Our vision

The South Australian public sector operating to the highest levels of accountability and integrity.

Our purpose

We contribute to state and local government services being transparent, trusted and valued.

Our four goals:

  1. Engage with clients in a way that results in a positive change to their practice and transparency for the public.
  2. Evolve the Office so that we deliver what Parliament and clients need.
  3. Make sure the way we lead gives us our best chance of achieving our 2030 vision.
  4. Run our Office as a modern business.

We report on our performance against this plan in our annual Operations Report available in our corporate publications.

Our values


We act fairly, honestly, impartially and independently.


We value and take responsibility for the trust and resources invested in our function. We hold ourselves and others accountable for achieving results.


We listen and respond to our clients and stakeholders within the constraints of our independence.


We value and support teamwork that builds relationships and cooperation across the Office. We value our working relationships with our clients.

Courage and tenacity

We persevere, listen attentively, question thoughtfully and challenge openly, and encourage others to do the same.


We value and strive for respectful relationships between our staff and with our clients and external stakeholders.


We encourage and value ideas for improvement.

Stay informed about our work

We’ll notify you when new reports are published.